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“Berlin, Berlin” OR “One hundred days out and about!”

This summer day in July 2023 ended with a visit to “Alte Oper” Frankfurt to see the musical “Berlin, Berlin.” The story covers the “Golden 20’s“ (that is the 1920’s, not the 2020’s nor your own age, for the Gen Z amongst my readers). It was the very first time that I was wearing one of my wife’s dresses out. It was a little tight across the chest – as Gimli would put it – but it was perfect for the occasion. My wife had bought it a few years ago when we were booked for a Great Gatsby party in 2020. The party took place, but with lots of space between tables and people, owing to COVID. And we had to bring our own cigars !!! I love to receive compliments! Receiving compliments on my appearance goes down like butter. It makes me weak in my knees. That evening, I received two explicit compliments, one from a young woman who said “Sie sehen sehr schön aus! (You look very pretty!) and one from a man in his 50’s, who was standing at the table next to Franzi during intermission, together with

Advertising Champagne!

I think that dress is very pretty, but I didn’t end up buying it. One simply can’t buy all the things that you might like and fit into. I agree, if you are challenged to fit into anything remotely pretty and feminine that may be a different story. But then the solution starts elsewhere. And then there was this inconspicuous little Prosecco bar again, the one in the corner of the women’s apparel floor of the department store. And I really liked how it was suffused with light this early afternoon. Simply perfect for a summer picture. The low, historic-looking Baroque building on the right, “Hauptwache” (main guard house)” is eponym for   the  central subway station in Frankfurt. If you ever come to Frankfurt and you take the subway from the airport into the city, get off here. “I only drink Champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.” (Coco Chanel) This wine bar has recently made it onto Franziska’s list of top locations, as I reported in an earlier posting. It is lo

Franziska joins Instagram !!!

Dear readers of Franziska's out and about blog! Franziska has recently set up an Instagram account and welcomes you to connect to her. So far, there is little to see, but I will make use of this account to announce every new posting from this blog with one selected picture. But who knows where these opportunities lead to: instant  (ha ha ha) photo sharing, reels of Franzi in motion, or live coverage from my days out and about. I am looking forward to this new crossdressing dimension and to hearing from you about it.

Crossdressing in the summer heat

You might remember my trip to Cologne in 2023 and my posting from 09.02.2024, in which I report about the purchase of a cute pair of shorts. On CDH, I posted the question ““Who says that you cannot wear cute shorts as a 6 feet tall crossdresser in your upper 50s?” ( LINK ), to which I received some encouraging comments.   Now, this is the day I was looking forward to, to wear them out. It was almost mid-July 2023 and it was very warm in Frankfurt. I hear from other crossdressers that they dread the summer months (or even adjourn to crossdress), as they deem them to be too warm to go out en femme. I disagree. Just wear the right things, as any CIS girl does. You do not have to wear nylons to be feminine and you don’t have to strut around in high heels, if they do not go well with your skimpy daytime summer outfit. There will be three postings to cover this day: late morning, afternoon, and evening, wherein the first two will feature this summer outfit of white satin shirt, jean shorts,

Overwhelming visual stimuli for a habitual crossdresser

Yesterday evening, I accompanied my wife to an event. It is not unusual that she is invited to certain societal events in Frankfurt, due to the nature of her work and the position she has. And I go along whenever I can (in drab of course), sort of as the pretty accompaniment that you often see alongside successful corporate managers. What’s in it for me? It tends to be an interesting mix of good food, good drinks, and some culture, sometimes a good conversation with an interesting individual. But the event yesterday, described as  a “marketing platform and meeting place for opinion makers” was very tough on me.  Out of the, say, 300 participants (about 50:50 men and women) 80% of the men wore dark suits, to which most of those below 50 years of age wore white sneakers, and the others – such as me – wore dark business shoes. Amongst the female participants, 80% (including my wife) wore the cutest of cocktail dresses and high heels, strutting and flaunting about the room, to the extent t

Retrospection – One of my dearest cute summer dresses

We are still in the retrospective mode here, looking at June 2018. I want to build some tension for the newer stuff from the second half of 2023, to follow in a couple of weeks. And we are still in this period of my life where I worked and lived elsewhere during the week, allowing me to enjoy more frequent but shorter outings on weeknights. Portraits of the evening A very cute dress that I bought this evening, which I still own, but which I unfortunately very rarely wear. And black sandals go with almost anything, as most of you know. That is the post title subject. I love this dress and I try to wear it at least once every summer. The last time you have seen it, was during my 2023 weekend trip to Cologne, which of course was years after this occasion here in 2018. And guess what, in this city they had a large department store (and still have, which is not a given in many cities), and guess again, that store had (and still has) sort of a Champagne bar. And as we all know, Franzi is mag

Retrospection – Pink ice cream and pink lingerie

This was one of those short 4-h weeknight outings and this posting will also be a short one, as time is sparse right now. We will be travelling to Italy for the upcoming Easter holidays, and I just want to make sure one more posting goes out before.  It was late spring, June 2018, and what do you do as a girl out in late spring? You wear some pink lingerie, pink sandals, a colorful dress, and you get yourself some pink ice cream! There are no more photos from this evening, so I guess not much happened after this highlight, other than dinner somewhere and - possibly - a glass of wine towards the end of the evening. Portrait of the evening Franziska enjoying an ice cream   “The way Franzi does it!” (#6)   To fatten up this posting, let me tell you a little bit about my wigs. In my crossdressing life, I have gone through a number of wigs: short, long, blond, dark, etc. Some of them, I bought at costume shops in the US and in Germany, some of them, I bought on Guangdong road in Shanghai (w