Dear visitors to my blog! This is my first posting ever, not only here in this blog, no - the first in my entire life. Bear with me, as I start to learn how this whole blogging thing works. I am also curious to hear from others what their experiences are in posting photographs of their feminine alter ego online. What should I be mindful of, what should I avoid, how do I prevent my pictures from being found all over the web? As is stated in the introduction to this blog, I am interested in sharing stories and photos of Franziska out and about, as long as the overall experience remains positive. Franziska likes classy, feminine looks and she seeks out occasions where those are appropriate: dinners out (preferably, but not exclusively, at stylish Italian restaurants), theater, classical concert, opera, ballet, museum, etc. I also like to challenge Franziska, e.g. first subway ride, first taxi ride, first e-scooter ride, first Uber ride, reserving at a popular restaurant before and bei...
Sharing my experiences venturing out en femme!