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Next steps!

That was it – for 2019. For those of you who are new to this blog or have not yet taken the time to read through it, here is a short wrap-up and some “statistics”: I have been going out as Franziska for exactly 10 years this January and have done so exactly 97 times, with thousands of pictures taken. My ambition is to go out at least once per month, which obviously did not work out on average. Nonetheless, I am very happy with what I have achieved. My top years in terms of number of outings were 2016 and 2017 with 22, respectively 20, however most of those were short 4-hour outings on a weeknight. The absolute lowlight was 2021, with one single day out and about.


This blog, which I only started in October 2022, has by now covered all outings of 2020, the one single outing in 2021, and most recently those of 2019. I will definitely look back in time some more, as there were great outings in the years 2013 to 2018, but we’ll see how far we will get.


With the next posting, we will move into 2022, which was a great year for Franziska with 16 days out and about, including two “all en femme” trips, one in July from Friday to Sunday to Stuttgart and one in November from Thursday to Sunday to Munich.


Stay tuned and sign up as a follower, please. As I had written before, I would love to receive your feedback on my blog content: it can be anonymous, it can be a single word, a full sentence, or a request. Just keep it friendly, please.




  1. Congratulations for being out in the real world for 10 years, Franzi. It's lovely being a woman in real places, isn't it?
    It would be interesting to hear about your earliest trips as they are often when we are most nervous but have the most exciting time.
    Wishing you more fun times in 2023.
    Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your comment and idea. We will get to that and, yes, you are right, I was also very nervous in the beginning, feeling my puls in my neck and looking around the whole time if anybody was indicating to have read me. Nowadays, I feel at ease being out crossdressed - for the most part - allowing me to enjoy it more. Franzi

  2. Glad you are getting out and enhoying this part of who you are. it doesn't matter where you go or what you do as long as you can experience it and enjoy the outing.

  3. Dear Susan, Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for commenting. I sure do enjoy my outings very much :-) Franzi

  4. Jetzt mußte ich doch mal in meinen Aufzeichnungen nachschauen, wann ich das allererste Mal en-femme unterwegs war, und es war 1982 als erwachsenes Mädchen am Fasching. Ich habe mir damals meine etwas längeren Haare eingedreht und geföhnt, eine Art Pagenkopf, etwas Makeup und Lippenstift aufgetragen, die Kleidung meiner älteren Schwester angezogen, Pullover, Rock, Stiefel und Mantel (hatte damals noch nichts eigenes), und bin dann so mit dem Zug nach München gefahren und durch die Stadt gebummelt. Das amüsante war, daß sowohl meine Mutter mich im ersten Anblick (sie war grad nach Hause gekommen wie ich mit dem Stylen fertig war) für meine Schwester (ihre Tochter) hielt, und auch der übernächste Nachbar, der mich auf der anderen Straßenseite auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof sah. Was für ein Erlebnis!


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