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Young Frankenstein

January 2022 - evening: A unique occurrence – so far – brunette during the day and blonde in the evening. There was a good reason for that, but I forgot what it was. Anyway, in the evening of the same day as in the last posting, Franziska wore her blonde wig, a black dress, and a red blazer to visit the English Theater Frankfurt for a performance of „Young Frankenstein.“ It is called English Theater, because all performances are in English exclusively. I’ll refrain from commenting on the performance and the piece itself. With the beginning of 2022 still being under COVID-related constraints, it was compulsory to wear a mask also during the performance and everyone was being ID’ed upon entry. The guy at the door was either very cool about it or he didn’t even look or read, which is what I assume. In any case, it provided for a short moment of anxiety.

Outfit of the evening. Franziska’s hairdresser had been a little more playful this time.

At the English Theater Frankfurt.

Come to think of it, I guess I didn’t go anywhere afterward for a glass of wine. How strange, but probably also related to COVID.


  1. You look lovely. Smart outfit and the hair suits you. I take it the show was not that great. (Personally, I never found the film of "Young Frankenstein" all that funny, but I guess you have to know the original Frankenstein movies well in order to understand the parody!) Sue x

  2. Dear Sue, Thanks for visiting again and for your compliment. Having discovered the idea of a bright color blazer over a dark dress a couple of years back, has opened interesting new options. Picking the right size and pulling your shoulders back also helps narrowing the appearance of the small of your back. "Young Frankenstein" was worth a try and I do love going to the "English Theater" and have seen great shows there before. Love, Franzi

  3. Schönes Outfit. Würde auch zu Nikolo passen: -) Zum Glück ist die Maskenpflicht passé. Holde Dame im lockigen Haar.
    LG Violetta

  4. Liebe Violetta, vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch und Kommentar. Ich musste erstmal googeln wer oder was den Nikolo ist :-) Liebe Grüße, Franzi


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