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Don’t you love dress shopping?

Shopping for femme things en femme is just fantastic, to simply browse through the different stores and departments for hours on end without feeling self-conscious. Simply “being” a woman, looking for nice womanly things to touch, to try on, to buy, and to take home, is wonderful. This was the plan for day two of two out and about in October 2022.

Portrait of the day.

Three dresses I had tried on, two of which you will see again in the postings to come out in the next couple of weeks.

Dinner. You might have guessed it – one of Franzi’s regular Italian eateries. Now, imagine you’d be sent to the moon for the rest of your life and there would be one single country cuisine you’d have to pick before departure to eat henceforth. Which one would you choose?

The same wine bar as during the last outing. I was wearing these stiletto nails (I think this is how they are called) in a dark red. They are a little scary looking, threatening almost, and I felt a little too vampy for my own good. Do you know what I am talking about?


  1. Your first paragraph was the best and truest thing I have read this year.

    Nice dresses. I look forward to seeing which ones you picked.

    As for Italian wine bars, I visit too many of those and now I'm fat!

    Sue x

  2. My dear Sue! Thank you for visiting again. I love your comments !! And I am sorry to hear that la dolce vita leaves its marks with you. Such is life. Love, Franzi

  3. Oh, ich liebe shopping - wenn der Schrank nicht so übervoll wäre - aber nicht nur deswegen- auf umweltmässig ist übermässiges Shopping alles andere als sinnvoll. Und ganz tolle Outfits meine Liebe.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Violetta, vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch und Kommentar. Das mit dem vollen Schrank geht Franziska leider genauso. Daher wird ab und zu auch mal was verkauft oder zu Oxfam gebracht. Liebe Grüße, Franzi


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