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Weekend trip crossdressed: “Rite of passing”

If you recall the last posting, you will recognize for which of the dresses Franziska fell. And as there were a couple of hours left before the evening event, she decided to sport it right away.

Something remarkable happened this afternoon, let’s call it “Rite of passing” 😀.

What is the ultimate proof that you are passable, meaning that it is not immediately obvious that you are a man in a dress? First, I would say if your own mother or your sister do not read or recognize you. I didn’t manage to enforce this test before my mother died, but I am sure she would have taken it lightly - after some initial shock. And unfortunately (thinking of all the missed opportunities to crossdress in my early teens), I do not have a sister. Second, I would say if a trans sister does not read you. I have spotted several crossdressers in my life that just happened to cross my path (no pun intended) and I assume that there were others that I did not read.


That afternoon in Cologne, I was sitting outside at one of the open squares in the historic district (last picture in this posting) when a goth trans-sister with an lgbtq-print jute shopping bag in hands walked by. We briefly made eye contact, but she did not show any sign of having read me and rather looked down, having understood that she had been read. I had the urge to get up and talk to her but was afraid to scare her off.


  1. tammilee.tillison@gmail.comFebruary 19, 2024 at 3:40 AM

    Franziska, from the photos you look 100% passable and have an expressive feminine smile.

    1. Dear Tammilee, Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment and compliment. Franzi

  2. Hi Franzi. I think you are very passable. Of course, passing as a woman is not just about looks but also speech and actions.

    Cute dress, too.

    I don't know whether it's OK to talk to another TGirl when you see her or let her be alone. On the one hand, we can give each other friendly encouragement; on the other, they may be trying hard to pass and not be noticed and then we 'out' them. It's a hard one. I usually don't acknowledge them as the consequences are neutral.

    Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your visit and comment. That was my reaction as well. Better give her the space and leave her alone than possibly "out" her or embarrass her. I guess there are opportunities if one wants to interact with trans-sisters at conferences, at group meetings, or with a personal meeting. Love, Franzi

  3. Liebe Franzi,
    Als Part-time-lady hat man einen besonderen Blick auf alles, was weiblich aussieht. Und ich halte auch immer mal Ausschau, ob ich eine "Schwester" sehe. In Innsbruck habe ich bisher nur vereinzelt eine entdecken können....oder sie waren so gut gestylt, daß es selbst mir nicht aufgefallen wäre :-). Ja, und ob man die dann auch ansprechen sollte? Hätte da etwas Hemmungen, denn was wäre, wenn es dann eine "echte" Dame wäre?. Dein Outfit und Deine Erscheinung sind auf jeden Fall sehr feminin und da würde wohl fast niemand hinter die Kulissen blicken.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Violetta, vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch und ausführlichen Kommentar. Ich frage mich auch oft, wie viele Schwestern ich schon übersehen habe, wenngleich wir natürlich genau wissen, was die "kleinen Erkennungszeichen" sind. Liebe Grüße, Franzi


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