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Out for a run

This was a new experience for Franzi, doing sports en femme in public. I have been doing sports en femme for many years at home. If I take a spin on my ergometer at home, it is always en femme. I have very cute things to wear for sports en femme.

Inspired by many blog posts on this issue, it was long overdue for Franzi to go out to do sports en femme. So on this Saturday in early September 2023, I put on a light makeup, put on my sport gear, and went out for a run along the river Main in the direction of Offenbach, the direct neighbor city upriver. Given the intention that I wanted to photo document this outing, the run itself was not particularly challenging. But it was fun and well worth to be repeated.


  1. Well done. Nice to see a trans girl doing normal, everyday things. You look great. Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your comment. I wish there were more normal, everyday things I would dare to do en femme, such as my other sports, meeting with friends, vacationing, work ... not all the time, but if I feel like it. Franzi

  2. Great that you got out for a run. I love hiking dressed authentically too. Those leggings are so cute girl!


    1. Dear Lauren, Thank you so much for your visit and comment. As I had written, I have even cuter things to wear for sports, but they would not be fitting for running or hiking. Love, Franzi


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