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The pleasures and the pains of wearing a new wig

This was the first time I was wearing my new wig. That is the wig I bought online after the unpleasant experience at the wig store in downtown Frankfurt. I had also told you in earlier postings that I have my three human hair wigs washed, groomed, and styled at a local hairdresser after three to five days out and about. With this new wig, I first wanted to see and feel how it would “perform” without any styling. Here are some observations from the first three days with the new wig in its as-received form.

Let’s start with an assumption. I assume that any cis girl, the same way as I do as a cis boy, has grown to understand how one’s hair behaves. It might change over years, but in principle you know when to wash it, which products to best use for its care, and how to style it. With my short gray hair, the latter point is very easy 😁. You might even understand how its behavior varies seasonally or with climate.

With a new wig – especially one you ordered online – you have no experience whatsoever, as different wigs behave differently. A new wig of course feels wonderful, because it is more-or-less flawless, the hair is very silky, and it is fun to play with it, to try different styles, to see and feel how it reacts to movement, etc. It also changes your appearance compared to your other wig(s). You might look younger or older, or more hip or more conservative.


But a new wig also poses challenges. The hair does not stay where you want it to stay. It hangs down. It might fall in your face, wind might mess it up. Clips slide down or fall off. So, for these first three days out and about, I was constantly busy checking my appearance, adjusting, trying new things, being unnerved at times, until I was finally ready to drop it off at my hairdresser to get it washed, groomed, and styled. What came out of it, you will be able to see in my future postings that will cover Franziska’s most recent weekend trip crossdressed. Or if you are too curious to wait, feel free to check out this newest picture on my CDH profile.

I met a sister once who always wears the exact same wig and who has a whole stash of these, being afraid that the maker might stop producing them at one point. And I fully understand that, if you want to establish yourself as a re-recognizable femme persona. For me, this is not the case. I like to be able to dramatically change my look, to play with more subtle and passable appearances, such as a brunette wig, a long dress, little skin, light make-up, flat shoes OR to go “full monty,” with high heels, dramatic make-up, a skimpy blouse, a miniskirt, and long blond hair that is highly attention-catching, running a high risk of being read. A slight problem in that approach is that you might expect to be re-recognized, say, by a shop keeper or a waiter, but that your appearance so much differs from the last time(s) that he or she will not.

How is that for you?

This day in mid-December started out – as so often – with a nice walk along the river Main towards downtown Frankfurt. Outfit of the day was a pair of very tight-fitting faux leather pants, a satin blouse, a black blazer, a red quilted jacket, and red ankle boots. This posting will cover that day until the late afternoon. The next one will follow shortly and will end where?: of course, at the wine bar.

Portraits of the day

Haha, the large metal rear entrance of “Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus“ again, which you have seen several times before

Lunch again at “Kleinmarkthalle” and at my favorite lunch place, enjoying pasta with Italian black truffles and a glass of pink Trento DOC (that is a “processo superiore” from the Italian province of Trento)

Visiting the largest department store in Frankfurt and posing with their XMAS decoration

A pink crémant at my favorite prosecco bar on the same floor as the women’s department

And visiting this very cool and stylish wine bar in Frankfurt’s new old town, where you have seen Franziska numerous times before. No, the bottle in the cooler in not mine. It might appear to you that drink a lot of wine, and I am the first one to admit that, but I do not order a whole bottle of wine for myself.


  1. Die steht Dir gut, liebe Franzi. Oh ja, die Frisuren, ich habe ja auch eine ganze Menge. Und die meisten auch online gekauft...und auch einige gleich wieder zurückgeschickt. Ich liebe auch die Vielfalt und kann mich oft nicht entscheiden, welche Frisur ich tragen möchte. Neuerdings greife ich wieder auf eine schon viele Jahre im Fundus befindliche Langhaarperücke zurück. Mit dem Stylen ist das so eine Sache. Ich mag da nicht viel verändern...und wenn die neuen Haare, was sie ja meistens tun, etwas zuviel fliegen, dann probiere ich Haarspray. Das funktioniert meistens. Und mit Waschen bin ich sehr sparsam, denn danach, auch wenn sie gut durchgespült und mit Conditioner behandelt und luftgetrocknet sind, fallen einige nicht mehr so wie gewünscht. Und bis das wieder ausgekämmt und gebürstet ist, dauert´s. ...Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Violetta, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar und Dein Kompliment. An das selber frisieren habe ich mich auch noch nicht getraut. Das ist eine der weiblichen Fähigkeiten, die mir nicht komplett fehlt. Aber das werde ich bei nächster Gelegenheit auch mal probieren. Haarspray habe ich auch schon ausprobiert, finde aber, dass der Effekt zu schnell wieder verloren geht. Viele liebe Grüße, Franzi

  2. A lot of good thoughts and advice on wigs. Personally, I'm like your friend who has found her ideal hairstyle and I just change the colour a bit. But I can appreciate the fun in changing the whole style at a stroke.

    I like the pants outfit. Very contemporary and stylish.

    How do you manage to drink wine and stay slim? I hardly drink wine or beer at all now because they are guaranteed to make me fat!

    Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your comment and compliment on my outfit. I really like it as well and it comes out very nicely, I think, with my slender legs. Staying slim. Let me tell you what works for me: I have been a pescatarian for over 25 year. I eat fish once or twice a week. Otherwise, I follow a vegetarian diet. I eat no junk food whatsoever and have abstained from any TV snacks entirely for many years. For the most part, I abstain from an TV as well. I have followed a 16/8 interval diet for the last 4 years, which means, I eat no breakfast, I have a light lunch (small salad at the cafeteria, or some fruit, or some yoghurt or maybe some leftovers from the day before), and then we enjoy a good - occasionally lavish - dinner at home or out. If I happen to enjoy a nice breakfast, say, at a hotel, I will skip lunch. I go through a hunger period ever single day. If occasion arises, say, if my wife is away travelling, I eat only once a day or (rarely) nothing at all. As for wine, you need to make sure it is chilled !!! A calorie is a unit of heat, and they die in the fridge. :-) Love, Franzi

    2. Ha ha, that's where I went wrong. My wine was never cold enough to kill the naughty calories!

      Thanks for your ideas on slimming. I stick to my Slimming World plan because I hate feeling hungry and this advises on what type of food to eat to feel full but still lose weight. I find it works for me but it's a bit slow at the moment. Socialising ruins the plan!

      Sue x


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