If you look up “sole” in any of the dictionaries that cover the English language, you will find that there many meanings and uses to his inconspicuous little word. But there is one that is most appealing to Franziska. Can you guess?
This posting covers the rest of this first day out and about, in which Franziska was giving her new wig a performance test.
Franzi was heading to dinner, which, in this case, required crossing the river Main into “Sachsenhausen” with the subway, to visit a French restaurant close to “Schweizer Platz” (Swiss Square). Swiss square is literally squaring the circle (or vice versa), as it is actually a small roundabout, and it constitutes the center of gravity for shopping and night life, south of the river.
This is a very traditional French restaurant: catchy interior design, classy selection of food items, great wines, and occasional service. This, for example, is a French Onion Soup with a Sauvignon Blanc (if I remember correctly).
And this is a very, very tasty fresh sole, which was carved at the table and was served with a Lobster consommé and vegetables.
Heading back across (underneath, to be precise) the river Main to the wine bar. The wind of the arriving train playing with Franziska’s new hair.
This is the third (recent) visit to that very wine bar, where the last two outings ended as well. The owner took this picture of Franziska, and he asked his waitress to take a picture of the two of us. The day he will find out who I am, I will ask for his approval to post that as well.
Franzi, in that big winter hood and long blond hair you would fit right in on the Canadian Prairies. The hood protects from freezing 30 below temps but that gorgeous, long, blond hair must show itself anyway.