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Shawl and scarf

This was my second day out and about with my new wig, and – slowly – I was getting used to it. This being late December, it was fairly cold out and I dug deep into my box of scarfs and shawls. That box contains about 50 different items, some of which I have never used, so far. But I love accessories and having a matching or fitting scarf or shawl for my outfit, I consider a very critical success factor.

This day again consisted of two parts and two outfits, a daytime outfit and an evening outfit, and this posting will report on the former. You might recognize by now the bus stop at which many of my outings start. The bus goes every 15 or every 30 minutes, depending on the day of the week and the time of the day. The bus route leads past “Südbahnhof” (South Station) where I get off and make my way down “Schweizer Straße” (Swiss Street, which runs through Swiss Square) towards the river Main and into the banking district. Frankfurt is a village, remember, if you are good on foot, you can more-or-less cover the entire city in a day.

Portrait of the day

There are two companies offering boat tours on the river main. I have yet to take any of these, but I assume they are just as boring as any of the previous city boat tours I have taken in my life, except for maybe in Amsterdam and in Venice.

One of the ships and a part of the Iron Bridge in downtown Frankfurt.

Frankfurt’s town hall, called “Römer” and the 2023 Christmas tree on Römer square. If local sports teams happen to win a trophy, this is the semi-public balcony where they appear with it.

Come to think of it, I have never taken you to a local sports event. That may be because I do not go local sports events. I guess I am a little bit of a snob in that respect. I could buy Franziska a team outfit from the local soccer team and we could go to Frankfurt stadium. But then again, this is Europe and soccer matches here have very little of the family event atmosphere I have experienced abroad and with other sports. Forget that thought, we’ll stick with opera, musical, and ballet.

A little bit of shopping. I think this is a very cute dress, but I did not end up buying it.

This cute ensemble of some dressy black pants and red crinkle top, I did buy, though, and I am looking forward to wearing it to some evening event, such as a musical.

And finally, the outfit of the day: a silk dress with a matching scarf (that came with the dress) that I have had for many years and that I love to wear. Those are the same boots as in the last outing. And where was this picture taken? Of course, at my favorite prosecco bar on the women’s floor of the department store.

From there, I went to have a late lunch/early dinner, being my only meal this day. If you are curious about my diet, check out my reply to Sue’s comment on the posting “The pleasures and the pains of wearing a new wig.” Appetizer: burrata and tomatoes

Pan-fried gnocchi with a cheese sauce


  1. Changing your hair? Yes, I have struggled with that too. The worries of if this really me? is this okay for my complexion/age/style, etc. I hope you are settled and happy with your choice, though!

    Oh how I struggle with the word Straße and how to say it! 😁 If it's said, I get it, but there's a break in my brain on reading it and hearing it.

    Oh, and that dress was very cute!

    1. Dear Lynn, Thanks for your comment. Once it was styled, I loved it. You'll see pictures come up.

      I think your difficulties with "Straße" have to do with the letter "ß" The letter "ß" in one of the latest reforms on the German language has been replaced by "ss" in case of a preceding short vowel, such as in "Kuss" which is then easy to pronounce. But following a long vowel, such as in "Gruß" or in "Straße" it has to remain, and it difficult for non-native speakers.

      Love, Franzi

  2. It's so hot here that I struggled to read about scarves and wigs! But I do like your outfits ... and the hair. Enjoy yourself. Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your comment and compliment. Nice to hear you like my outfits. Franzi

  3. Hi there, I'm Fatima from CDH. Nice to be out and about. WRT scarves I've recently been trying them on myself and it is fun to coordinate them with the outfit. To my mind they are a perfect addition and when around my neck they stop the ends of the wig hairstrands from itching the skin, lol. A great benefit. You look very nice in scarves. BTW my first GF was born in Frankfurt, moved to Canada then elsewhere. But I'd take your advice and visit Berlin first. Cheers.

    1. Dear Fatima, Thank you for visiting and for leaving a comment. I am happy to provide any advice and thanks for your compliment. Love, Franzi


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