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Day trip to Cologne

The third and last day out and about with my new wig, before having dropped it of at Franzi’s hairdresser to have it washed, groomed, and styled.

It was very early in January 2024 and very cold out, hence, it was a good opportunity for my long beige winter coat to make a showing. During my weekend trip crossdressed to Cologne in June 2023, I had missed the opportunity to visit one of the top museums in Cologne, because I had to return early on Sunday morning and in drab. As it is just a little more than one hour on the ICE high-speed train between Frankfurt and Cologne, I took the opportunity to pay a visit to “Museum Ludwig,” which is located next to “Kölner Dom” (“Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus" or "Cathedral Church of Saint Peter").

In this posting, I will report on everything but the actual visit to the museum. The museum and its fantastic pieces of art will be covered in a separate posting that will follow shortly.

Portrait of the day 

Escalator down to the Frankfurt subway system

If you imagined Germany and its subways to be neat and clean and Graffiti free, such as, say, in Tokyo or Singapore, think again.

On the ICE high speed train from Frankfurt to Cologne

That was a funny one. Traditionally, Christmas decoration in Germany is taken down on or before the Day of the Holy Kings (Epiphany), which is on January 6 in the Gregorian calendar. What I did not expect, was to still find a small Christmas Market – and a guy who wanted to be on the photo with me – in Cologne in early January.

Fruit punch at the Christmas Market, as my wife and I are observing “Dry January” every year.

After the museum visit, which was quite long, as there was so much to see and as Franziska had booked a specific guided tour through one section of the museum, it was time for some food.

On an almost deserted ICE train back to Frankfurt – delayed, of course.

At home in the elevator, after a fun day out and about


  1. Ha! Now I'm really curious to know about the museum!

    Thanks for sharing your trip. German trains are not perfect in my experience but they are at least better than the terrible ones in France and Britain. Italian trains are (surprisingly) OK.

    Nice coat and boots. Very smart.

    Looking forward to part 2.

    Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks for your comment. According to my experience, there is only one country in the world, where taking the train is a thoroughly positive experience, and that is Japan. I have two fun postings under preparation, the upcoming one on the visit to Museum Ludwig and my two-year blog anniversary posting. Franzi


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