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Weekend trip crossdressed: Journey by train to Düsseldorf

I had comprehensively reported about Franziska’s previous three weekend trips crossdressed. Please see my previous posting with the respective links. These trips are – so far – the highlights in my “career” as a crossdresser. There are many reasons why that is the case, some of which are covered in a short article called “Why I love travelling en femme,” which I had published under Franzi’s CDH profile.

What makes these trips particularly interesting, exciting, and nerve-wrecking, is the fact that you never know. You don’t know which wonderful new experiences you will be able to make, and you never know which – if any – of the many risks and dangers you can come up with in your head before – may realize. The facts that I leave home en femme already, that I do not take my car, but entirely rely on public transport (here’s an advantage of living in a big and well-connected city), and that my suitcase does not contain a single piece of male attire, clearly add challenge and excitement to such a trip.

This trip to Düsseldorf started on a Friday afternoon in early July 2024. I had taken that day off to have enough time to get myself ready and to pack my suitcase. Preparations for that trip have started months earlier, though. For each of these by now four trips, I kept and developed a text file with e.g.

  • Idea and concept: Location, sights, agenda, challenges that I want to address
  • Bookings and reservations planned and executed: hotel, train, restaurants, theater
  • Things to do well in advance: wig selected and dropped off for grooming and styling
  • Things to do within the last week or as soon as the weather forecast appears reliable: all outfits selected and put together, including shoes, scarfs, jackets, coat, handbags (day, evening, theater), haircut, waxing, toenails polished
  • All things to bring along (extract): shapewear, nightwear, shaving equipment, make-up, (emergency) spare wig, glasses, sunglasses, jewelry, cellular phone, camera, cash, credit cards, ID!
  • Things to do the evening before: fingernails manicured and polished, eyebrows styled, nose hair cut, ear hair plucked 

I just want to make sure that you do not conclude that it would be a great idea to embark on a weekend trip en femme on short notice.

Let’s get started!

Portrait of the day. Short sleeve satin blouse.

On the bus to Frankfurt Airport. Black faux leather mini skirt with 7 denier tan nylons.

Departure hall in terminal 1, while changing from terminal 1 bus stop to the long-distance train station. Obviously, the suitcase was not big enough for all the outfits Franzi had planned to wear that weekend. How do you like my miniskirt / sneaker combination?

Waiting in the departure hall of the long-distance train station. I keep going back and forth between my hair open and it being tied back. What do you think looks more natural?

On the train to Düsseldorf. That name btw derives from a small brook called “Düssel” that flows from close to the city of Wuppertal westwards towards the river Rhein. Its estuary had seen several settlements in the Old Stone Age already. Düsseldorf (Düssel Village) in the end outgrew the other settlements in the area and received city rights in 1288. Very close to Düsseldorf lies the “Neandertal” (Neander Valley), which had temporarily been populated some 40.000 years ago already. Why did the Neandertalers not make it? Climate change and incest are amongst the top theories about it 😁.

At my hotel in downtown Düsseldorf in the late afternoon. I had just checked in and was making use of my welcome drink voucher. What you have, you have 😏. I also simply wanted to enjoy this wonderful outfit for a little longer, as this was the shortest hemline I dared to display during this trip.


  1. Ja, die Vorbereitungen auf eine Reise enfemme müssen ja gut geplant sein. Um diese Reisen beneide ich Dich. Leider ist mir eine solche Reise noch nicht geglückt aber für den Watzenhof beim Galatreffen war auch genügend vorzubereiten. Ich liebe auch die Mini-outfits. Sieht toll aus...und fühlt sich so feminin-sexy an :-). Wer hat denn die Fotos gemacht?.
    Alles Liebe


    1. Liebe Violetta, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Die Fotos machen i.d.R. Fremde, die ich ansprechen oder mal ein Kellner. Liebe Grüße, Franzi

  2. I love the mini/sneaker combination, perfect traveling attire for warm weather! Even mature women, like myself, can comfortably wear a shorter skirt in the summer.

    Totally agree with that travel can provide a great opportunity to leave the male safety net behind!

    1. Dear visitor, Thanks so much for your comment. I simply love receiving concrete replies to my postings and questions. It helps me understand what readers value. Best wishes, Franzi

  3. You look amazing, Franzi. Very contemporary outfit and you look so young! I like the skirt especially. When you've got good legs, you should show them off!

    Since you asked, I think both hairstyles are natural and modern. Personally, I don't like hair tied back as a style (that's just my prejudice) and I only ever wear mine loose but in my case that's mainly to hide the less feminine shape of my face.

    I look forward to more adventures.

    Sue x

    1. Dear Sue, Thanks a lot for your long comment, sweet compliments, and valuable input. My wife also says that I should wear my hair open, especially that wig. So be it. Love, Franzi

  4. On a family holiday to Germany, we loved getting around by public transport. It was so easy to get about via the overground & underground trains - including getting out of Berlin to other cities. We got to talk to people and saw more of life, if that makes sense.

    Conversely, travelling by car puts you in a bubble, so those interactions - good or bad - with the public are missed. Not that I'd trust our local bus service to actually turn up 😉

    I hope you enjoyed the trip and the outfit looked very much post of travel in summer. As to hair up or hair down; do what you prefer. Both work, IMO, as I see women of your age doing either as needed.

    1. Sorry! "...much post of travel in summer" should read as your outfit looked very much part of travelling in summer.

    2. Dear Lynn, Thanks for your visit to my blog and for your nice comment. Unfortunately, public transport in Germany is not what it used to be. The ICE trains have had their lowest ever punctuality rate with a mere 62.5% in 2024 and at our local Frankfurt public transport, busses and trains frequently do not run, due to lack of personnel. Thanks a lot also for your responses to my open questions. Love, Franzi


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