If you have read my previous posting, you know what to expect: lots of pictures of Franzi in front of art. I love posing in front of art. It is like becoming part of it.
The Class of 2024 of „Kurfürstlich Pfälzische Akademie der Maler-, Bildhauer- und Baukunst.“ (Electoral Palatinate Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture) or short „Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie“ (Academy of arts Düsseldorf) presented its graduation assignments. Between 10:15 and 11:00 am it was still pretty slow and fairly empty here, but then more and more visitors showed up and, eventually, also the graduates.
The building itself is very impressive for its size, as you have seen in my previous posting. There are lots or rooms and staircases. And apparently there must have been a party recently, because the open balcony was covered in trash and empty, as well as shattered beer bottles. Students! I know what I am taking about.
I assume he is dead, that guitarist. Drugs, suicide? You never know. Unfortunately, I couldn’t ask the art student who painted it, as he was stoned. Just kidding !!! There was still nobody around.
In the course of time, more and more of the arts graduates showed up, some with friends, some with family, and I was able to make some conversation, to give some praise, and to ask for a photo of Franzi in front of their creations.
“Crossdressing and the arts” sounds like a great subject to be studied. The process of transforming a white canvas into an alluring and attractive painting and the process of transforming a boring, poorly groomed, and dull-dressed man into a sophisticated, made up, and well-dressed lady, must be related.
And if you put both “final products” next to each other, this is what you get.
I love this picture. The gray background makes me appear to be almost in 3D.
A potpourri of things that seem to have no relation to each other. Maybe that was the intention. As you know, I am just an engineer.
And finally some striking color, in 3D …
… and in 2D
Nettes Kleidchen für den Museumsbesuch. Da hast Du ja wieder ein richtig tolles Wochenende enfemme erlebt. Glückwunsch. Ich gehe auch immer wieder gerne in Museen, allerdings ist die Auswahl bei uns nicht sehr groß - zudem bauen sie das Tiroler Landesmuseum- das größte hier- die nächsten zwei Jahre um. Aber im Mai fliegt meine Liebste mit mir nach Amsterdam...und ich darf Violetta zumindest ein paar Tage mitnehmen. Da gibt´s sicher einige Museen zu besuchen. Darauf freue ich mich schon sehr....und auch über Besuche und Kommentare in meinem Blog :-).
ReplyDeleteAlles Liebe und ein schönes Weekend