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Weekend trip crossdressed: K&K – Kaffee und Kunst

This Sunday was the last day of Franzi’s overall fourth weekend trip crossdressed within the last two years. After checking out at the hotel and skipping breakfast again, coffee (Kaffee) was in order, followed by arts (Kunst).

Portrait of the day

At a French bistro, enjoying a freshly squeezed orange juice and a café o lait. I was wearing this wonderful light blue silk wrap dress that is also featured in my most popular blog post, called “Weekend trip crossdressed: Perfect weather, perfect dress, perfect day” from 2022. Most of my “weekend trip crossdressed” posts seem to be very popular.

The plan for this morning was to visit the museum “Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.” Franzi arrived at 10 am sharp, only to find out – bloody hell – that they only open at 11 am. Who would have guessed that.

As I strolled a little further to kill some time, I found this imposing Neo-renaissance building, the “Kunstakademie” (college of arts) with the inviting sign over the door “Sommerrundgang” (Summer Walkabout). Being curious by nature, Franzi checked it out.

The „Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie“ was founded in 1773 as „Kurfürstlich Pfälzische Akademie der Maler-, Bildhauer- und Baukunst“ (Electoral Palatinate Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture). One of its best known former student and later teacher, was Joseph Beuys, a German performance artist, sculptor, medalist, draftsman and art theorist.

And on this fine Sunday, it turned out, the Class of 2024 presented its graduation assignments. And guess what, nobody was there yet at 10:15 am, which is excusable, as they are students.

Here are some first impressions. The really cool stuff will only come up in the next posting.

