This was one of those short 4-h weeknight outings and this posting will also be a short one, as time is sparse right now. We will be travelling to Italy for the upcoming Easter holidays, and I just want to make sure one more posting goes out before. It was late spring, June 2018, and what do you do as a girl out in late spring? You wear some pink lingerie, pink sandals, a colorful dress, and you get yourself some pink ice cream! There are no more photos from this evening, so I guess not much happened after this highlight, other than dinner somewhere and - possibly - a glass of wine towards the end of the evening. Portrait of the evening Franziska enjoying an ice cream “The way Franzi does it!” (#6) To fatten up this posting, let me tell you a little bit about my wigs. In my crossdressing life, I have gone through a number of wigs: short, long, blond, dark, etc. Some of them, I bought at costume shops in the US and in Germany, some of them, I bought on Guangdong ...
Sharing my experiences venturing out en femme!